Dogs and the Art of Unconditional Love

Karen Barnhardt
3 min readOct 20, 2019

They Ask For So Little And Give So Much

My sweet companion Miss Nell

There’s nothing like the love of a dog!

No matter what the world throws at me, I know I can count on the unconditional love of my sweet, “mini-lab” Nell.

With an adoring look and a wag of her tail, my troubles begin to ebb away.

I mean the world to that little furry package of love, and she means the world to me. Nell trusts me completely.

I see such love and trust in those eyes of hers. Each day she lets me know I’m her capable and dependable human friend. I honestly think my dog’s unconditional faith and love is making me a better person.

Forget Surfing the Net; My Furry Friend Needs Me!

Most days, I’m an anxiety-riddled human being.

Today was no exception. I took my dog out for her mid-day stroll. We came back inside, and I gave her the beloved dental treat she looks forward to every day.

While she was enjoying some treat induced ecstasy, I came upstairs and sat down at my computer.

I began scrolling down my Facebook timeline. Wow, within minutes, I began to feel that my life just wasn’t as fantastic as everyone else’s life seems to be.

Then I stole a peek at the current political scene, and my anxiety level began to rise.

About that time, I felt a small weight on my thigh. I look down to see Nell’s face and those gentle, loving eyes.

Her tail quickly began to wag in a circle. My little furry friend wants my attention.

Forget social media and politics, Nell needs me!

She Thinks I’m Pretty, Darn Great

I scratch my little Lab’s tummy as she lolls around on her back. Her tongue is hanging out of the side of her mouth, and she has the goofiest doggy expression on her face.

Her eyes looked at me, and I felt ten feet tall. I’m her hero!

In exchange for a warm place to lay her head and a bowl a day of food. Plus an occasional treat, and a few walks every day, I have this true and faithful friend who thinks I’m great.

Endless Benefits

Heck, the treks that I go on with Nell benefit me in mind and body as much as they help her.

Now, I don’t take such great pleasure in sniffing my environment. So the walks give Nell that extra unique doggy benefit.

I give her lots of scritches and belly rubs. Then she looks at me as if I’ve handed her the most relaxing and precious gift she has ever had.

So Patient is My Little Nell

If I’m in a horrible mood, Nell leaves me alone.

As soon as she senses I’m calmer, she comes and gives me sweet doggy kisses.

Even when I raise my voice and lose my temper, she never leaves me. Instead, she comes to me with her tail wagging and concern in her eyes.

To Give and Receive

She is ever my loyal companion. Love is something that she shows me daily.

The exuberant welcome that she gives me when I come home at the end of the day and her constant doggy hugs and kisses. These are all daily evidence of her devotion.

Love oozes out of that little furry body.

She treats me so well and makes me feel capable and calm. What I give to my dog never fails to come back to me. Such a blessing dogs are to us!

A Package of Love

Nell doesn’t ask for much. For what I give her, I’m paid back with such precious gifts.

The look of adoration and confidence I see in my dog’s eyes when she looks at me melts my heart. It also gives me the resolve and the courage to go out there and give the world my best day after day.

I’m so grateful for this little furry package of love. Yep, my beloved Nell is in for a lifetime of love. Her days will contain lots of scritches and belly rubs. Plus some goofy, treat induced ecstasy each day of her sweet doggy life.



Karen Barnhardt

Freelance Ghostwriter, Content Specialist & Copywriter. Check out my work at: Looking for a writer?